Just a few of the classmates pictured in the K-6 photos in Landmark: Parkland Grade School 1908-1982. Lots of those before and after us, too, from other graduating classes. Even some of our parents---Linda Cheetam's and Linda Carlson's among them---are shown in 1930s class photos! Last chance to place a pre-publication order. At last count, only about 30 books remain unspoken for. This is almost for sure the only compilation of Parkland School class, team and faculty photos that will ever be created.
Thursday, January 30, 2025
Wednesday, January 15, 2025
550+ photos, 600 pages in Parkland School book
Now, right now, get your order in for "Landmark: Parkland Grade School 1908-1982." A contribution of at least $125 will get you a copy of a 600-page history of the school, packed with class photos from the beginning of time (well, the early 1900s), including dozens from our era. You can watch your favorite teachers age----we even have Dale Storaasli's boyhood photos! For more info, see the Parkland Elementary Grade School Facebook page.
Thursday, December 26, 2024
Order your Parkland School memory book now
As a fundraiser to save Parkland School from demolition and to convert it to a true community center, I am compiling class, faculty, team and club photos from 1908 to the school's closure in 1982. So far, 550+! Six hundred pages! Lots and lots of photos from our era! You can reserve a copy of "Landmark: Parkland Grade School 1908-1982" by donating to the Parkland Community Assn. See order form. The book is going to the printer in January and copies should be available in February.
Sunday, July 21, 2024
Got Parkland School Class Photos?
As a fundraiser for the historic Parkland School building, to create a community center and not allow demolition of the structure
, we need your help gathering old class photos for a memory book. If you or your parents or siblings attended Parkland and have class photos, please share high-quality scans of them on the Parkland FB page (in comments). Or email to lindacarlson@earthlink.net. Some photos were taken on the steps or in the auditorium; others are a compilation of the head shots. Oh, and if you can ID the kids in the photos, a HUGE thank you!
Sunday, March 31, 2024
Death of Marlene Potter
We regret to announce the death of Marlene Potter in mid-March. Please see the class Facebook page for the tribute by Holly Hartwell.
Wednesday, March 6, 2024
More Honors for Cindy Stefani's Son Rick!
More honors for Cindy Stefani Tripp's son! She writes us, "Congratulations to my son Rick Tripp, Franklin Pierce Class of 1990. He was honored for the second year in a row as Head Coach of the Year 2023-24, basketball, 4A NPSL." See the class Facebook page for photos, too!
Wednesday, February 28, 2024
Saturday, November 18, 2023
Sad News about the Death of a Classmate's Son
Sad news, classmates. Here's what Mike Stoltenberg's daughter posted about her brother on Facebook: "It is with PROFOUND sadness that I announce the passing of my amazing and most wonderful brother Seth. On Nov. 15, Seth had a sudden medical event leading to cardiac arrest while driving to his massage appointment. It is with extreme gratitude that I thank the crews at CPFR on my and my families behalf for going above and beyond for my brother this day. Seth was a volunteer firefighter with Riverside, North Puyallup, and briefly Orting Fire, who before resigning left at the rank of lieutenant. He worked at MBCH as an ER tech and EMT for Rural Metro before joining the army reserves after 911 because he wanted to serve his country. He served 8 years before exiting the military and perusing a career as a union carpenter and welder. Seth was a decorated Army veteran who served two tours, one in Iraq the other in Afghanistan."
Services are to be arranged. In the meantime, if you have contact information for Mike, I'm sure he'd appreciate a note. (This is your blogger commenting.)Sunday, October 8, 2023
Update from Cindy Stefani
Cindy sends us this update: "Retired nurse of 22 years. I still live in Puyallup. I have 3, successful grown children, 7 grandchildren and one great granddaughter. I am very blessed. My health has really deteriorated as I have terminal kidney cancer. I count each day as a huge blessing. I think of our class often! It has been so many years and just seems like a dream. I pray God blesses each of you with good health and many more years. A picture of my healthier days!"
Thursday, May 18, 2023
Death of Mike Buffelen
Mike Buffelen suffered a fatal heart attack shortly before Mother's Day, we learn from Mike LeDuc. He was the father of two, a daughter Michella, and a son Rich. If you have memories to share, Mike tells us that the family can be reached via Rich's email, rcbuffelen@comcast.net.
Monday, April 17, 2023
Letter to the Editor in Wall Street Journal!
OK, this is Linda, and I am bragging! First time ever to be published in WSJ! https://www.wsj.com/articles/too-many-parking-spots-not-where-i-live-139c447c#comments_sector
Monday, November 14, 2022
Death of Dick Larson, long-time coach and athletic director
The TNT has an obituary for Dick Larson, who taught biology in our time. See https://www.legacy.com/us/obituaries/tribnet/name/richard-larson-obituary?id=37033614
Monday, July 11, 2022
Ruth Olsen Peterson at Parkland School Rally
Join the fight to save Parkland School! See https://sites.google.com/view/savethehistoricparklandschool/home
Monday, May 30, 2022
Protesting the Parkland School Sale and Demolition
Ruth Olsen Peterson is among those involved in the opposition to the sale and demolition of Parkland School. Touch base with her if you can help...maybe you didn't attend Parkland, but one of your parents or siblings or cousins did. I (this is Linda Carlson) have written the Tacoma News Tribune regarding my concerns, which include the following. Use any or all of this info when you write your own letter to the county council or the TNT or Prairie Post or local radio or television stations:
Thursday, May 19, 2022
Demolishing Parkland School? Protest now!
Please see class FB page and Parkland School FB page for additional information from Jani Hitchen.
For alumni of Parkland School and members of the Parkland community, past and present:
Monday, February 28, 2022
Belated News: Dave Ott's Death
Paul Skones writes to tell us of Dave Ott's death last October:
Thursday, February 24, 2022
Memorial Service for Ruth Olsen's husband
Trinity Lutheran Church's newsletter carries the information that the memorial service for Ruth Olsen Peterson's husband Jon will be Saturday, March 5 at Trinity Lutheran at 11 a.m. I (Linda Carlson) have Ruth's address if you wish to send a note or card.
Two Handsome Guys in 1969
Kevin Cady, our very own Buckwheat Catapillar, shares this photo of himself with Gary Isenberger----maybe they were heading to a prom?---and asks if anyone has heard from Gary in recent years. The photo is dated June 1969, but that's when the film (remember film?) was processed, not necessarily when the photo was taken.
Wednesday, February 16, 2022
Death of Ruth Olsen's husband
For friends of Ruth Olsen Peterson, I am so, so sorry to share this message from Trinity Lutheran:
Dear Trinity Family,
It is with great sadness that we inform you that Jon Peterson, husband of Ruth Peterson, died suddenly last night of natural causes. Our thoughts and prayers are with Ruth and her family as they come to grips with this tragic news. May God’s peace be with them.
Monday, January 31, 2022
Jim Scearce's Health
Many of you may recall Jim Scearce, who spent his career as an educator in the district, mostly (if not all) at Parkland School. Due to his health problems, he has been included on the Trinity Lutheran prayer list, so I checked with one of his friends in the Men's Prayer Group. He said he knew Jim, now 85, would appreciate hearing from former students, and we were given permission to publish his home address here. I (Linda Carlson) also have his phone number if you want it. (PM me.) The address: 914 121st St. S., Tacoma 98444.
Monday, November 15, 2021
Remember when?
Your blogger is MOVING (anyone want to buy a house in Sequim?) and cleaning out memorabilia left from way back when.
Monday, October 25, 2021
Memorial services for Rollie Moore
Many of us attended informal reunions at Rollie's Tavern, owned by Rolllie Moore, a 1967 grad. His graveside service is Friday, Nov. 5 at 2 p.m. at Fir Lane, with a memorial gathering scheduled for Saturday, the 6th, at the tavern. You'll have to call the tavern for that schedule. In 2010, a military base newspaper featured Rollie, who had been in business since 1976: http://www.northwestmilitary.com/news/focus/2010/01/northwest-military-fort-lewis-ranger-newspaper-mcchord-airlifter-Tyler-Hemstreet-history-tavern-Roll/
Sunday, October 3, 2021
LeRoy Bell "Rocks" On...Onto Magazine Cover
LeRoy Bell is on the cover of this season's issue of "3rd Act," a regional magazine. He's also the subject of a lengthy profile that describes both his songwriting and his performances as a musician. See https://e.issuu.com/embed.html?d=3rd_act_fall2021&u=3rdactmagazine.
Friday, September 3, 2021
Death of Pastor Robert (Bob) Drewes
Oct. 9, at 11a.m. at Trinity Lutheran will be the memorial service for Pastor Bob Drewes, who with Pastor Erling Thompson conducted confirmation classes for many of us. He was the father of Dennis Drewes, husband of our classmate Rebecca Wise.
Tuesday, July 20, 2021
Kirk Potter Retires and Moves
Kirk Potter, having retired from The Firs in Bellingham, has made a cross-state move to a single-level (retirement living!) house in Spokane's South Hill neighborhood. For the first time since their children grew up, Kirk and Debbie are near all three and their first grandchild.
Sunday, June 6, 2021
Death of Jim Siburg
The June 6 issue of the Seattle Times has an obituary for Jim Siburg, who you will recall was in a wheelchair due to MS at our 50th:
Sunday, May 30, 2021
Death of Don Torbet
Your blogger did a Google search for Don Torbet, to check on something she was writing another classmate, and is so, so sorry to have to report that Don died last August. More info: http://rustonhome.blogspot.com/2020/08/donald-e.html. A tribute, which includes details about Don's post-high school adventures and business successes, is at http://rustonhome.blogspot.com/2021/01/the-story-of-don.html
Don and Beth's retirement was covered by the TNT: https://www.thenewstribune.com/entertainment/restaurants/tnt-diner/article221235440.html
Monday, May 24, 2021
Cluck, cluck! Charming Film by Rebecca Wise Drewes About...
Rebecca Wise has created a charming film about her hens and the eggs they provide for her husband Dennis's omelets.
Thursday, May 13, 2021
Death of Rick Giroux
From the funeral home website:
Richard W. "Rick" Giroux, lifelong Tacoma resident, passed away at his home on May 5, 2021. He was 70 years old.
His parents Lucille G. Giroux and Richard W. Giroux both preceded him in death.
A PGA Golf Pro, Rick was as passionate about his students as he was about his love of golf. He was a volunteer at American Lake Veterans Golf Course coaching students as well as working on the grounds. Golfers will remember him from his time at Brookdale Golf Course, Twin Lakes, Linden, Meadow Park, Charles Wright Academy and The Classic as well. His many years of teaching are represented throughout the golfing community and he will be missed on the links.
Rick had a lifelong love of hiking, the wilderness and guitar playing with his childhood buddies. Some of his best days were spent with them.
He leaves behind a brother, Riz (Sue) Giroux, sister Jan Giroux and his nieces Sandra, Ginny and Molly and nephew Aaron as well as great nieces and nephews Katie, Zoe, Lexi, Emma, Dylan, Cody, Kindra, Mario, Reece and Olivia. The laughter he brought to the family will always be remembered and missed.
(Thanks to Steve Elske for alerting us to Rick's death.)
Tuesday, March 16, 2021
News from Jami Sales
Your blogger is re-reading Murray Morgan's history of the south Puget Sound area, and in it, both Nicholas Delin (Dahlin when he immigrated) and the Sales family are mentioned. I sent this on to Jami Sales, who replied with more information about her family (the first James being the first white child born in Pierce County) and with an update on her life on the Big Island. Besides it being wonderful on her rural acre, she writes, "We have deep friendships and a very satisfying life here. And, to make it just more perfect, Marlene Potter Simpson and her husband Mike moved here 3 years ago and it is just wonderful to have them here, just a mile or so away." Here is the link to a presentation that Jami did a few years ago at James Sales School: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/4c1u9hszjv1pg2r/AABbQmP7Y68KD51m70U7wwI_a?dl=0
Wednesday, November 11, 2020
Death of Math Teacher
The News Tribune has an obituary for a former math teacher, Twila Johnson (March 9, 1941 - October 19, 2020). It reads, "Twila graduated from Clarkston High School in 1959. She attended Eastern Washington University where she received her BA in 1963 and Washington State University where she received her MA in 1967. She taught high school math at Franklin Pierce High School in Tacoma, WA from 1963-1997. After retiring she taught math at Pierce College from 1997-2011."
Friday, August 14, 2020
Death of Bob Winters
Trinity Lutheran Church's newsletter reports the death of Robert Winters, long-time school district elementary music teacher. An outdoor service is planned for Aug. 29 at the Trinity cemetery. For more information as details are finalized, contact the church.
Wednesday, August 12, 2020
Tom Bondo's Obituary
As reported in the News Tribune:
Thomas Edward Bondo, born June 29, 1950, in Tacoma, died on July 29, 2020, in Federal Way. Tom graduated from Franklin Pierce High School and earned a Bachelor of Arts Degree from Pacific Lutheran University. He was a member of Central Lutheran Church in Tacoma. He was preceded in death by his parents Paul and Miriam Bondo. He is survived by his sister Susan Barnard of Shelton and by other family members. He will be remembered for his positive attitude and his sense of humor. No service will be held due to Coronavirus. Memorial gifts could be made to the Multiple Sclerosis Foundation.
Friday, July 31, 2020
Tom Bondo's Death
Sunday, June 21, 2020
Old Newspapers Yield...
Wednesday, April 8, 2020
Kevin Cady Sends Vintage Photos
Who else from our class was on the honor roll? Those with 3.8 GPAs were Joanne Axt, John Thompson, Jim Fleming, Francis Gichard, Cheryl Hansler, Sally Gilbertson, and Sue Tommervik.
Thursday, March 19, 2020
Death of Bea Elder
Friday, November 15, 2019
Brian and Lori Meet Up with Dan and Karen
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Corbin Kindergarten Photo from James Sales?
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Memorial Service, JoAnn Andersen Alexander
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Monday, October 7, 2019
50th Reunion Directory Is D-O-N-E
The directory was sent out in one piece last night and a few of you received it. However, due to the number of failures, it was broken into two pieces and re-sent Tuesday morning, Oct. 8. So with luck more of you have received it.
If your e-mail address does not show your name, please indicate who you are in your message because this is a document for our class members only. Many of you authorized release of your e-mail addresses or phone numbers in the directory and we don't need those available to non-classmates.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Final "Now" Photo: Brookdale!
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Grade School Groups
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Collins was another of the four that consolidated for the district. From left, Mary Marsillo, Diana Worley, Carmie Marsillo, Charlotte Doyle, Dave Bailey, Jim Fieber and Colleen Fahey. |
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James Sales alumni: from left, Jim Goddard, Kevin Cady, Brian Johnson, Sandy Archer, Dave Rogers, Doug Koss and Morry Milsten. |
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Harvard Elementary: Rick Andersen, Paul Jackson, Mark Vetter, Ed Kroneman, Terry McLean, Pauline Isakson, Tom Fletcher, Barbara Smith, Connie Kazda, Bob Bargetl and Gary Louderback. |
Friday, September 20, 2019
Y'all Came Last Saturday, Too!
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Lois Barnes, Karen Eley and husband John, Sally Gilbertson |
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Jim Fieber and Steve Elske |
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Jennie Kimmel and Sharon Severeid |
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Foreground: Phil Johnston and Sheryl Brodahl. Background: Mike Stoltenberg and Carmie Marsillo. |
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Rose Russo and husband Jon |
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Wendy Ward and husband, and in the background, among others, Dave Dahlin, Kevin Cady, Mark Vetter, Sandy Archer, Doug Cail and Terry McLean. |
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Tony White and his guest Lucy |
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Debbi Selden and her husband |
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Y'all Came!
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Marcey and Connie |
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John Ackerman, who biked down from Port Orchard. |
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Bob Richardson and Wendy Lunde |
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Ruth, Morry and Ron DeVany |
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Wendy Ward, John and Wendy's husband |
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Alisa and Kristie |
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Ray Parker entertaining the Cox and Bargelt wives, both 1970 |
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Chuck Hoffman, and the Parker brothers flanking Jeff Johnson |
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Eddie and Steve Olson flanking (help!) is this Ben Smith? |
Saturday, September 7, 2019
Yes, you can still make a reunion book update!
Your help is also needed to identify all the little kids pictured in the grade school class photos that are on this blog (scroll down) and on the Facebook page. We'd like to have complete captions in the finished reunion book, which will include these photos.
Saturday, May 4, 2019
Wednesday, May 1, 2019
Christensen and Parkland, Grades 4 and 5
Below, thanks to JoAnn Andersen for a photocopy of Miss Blandau's fifth grade class at Parkland School. Your blogger has a few ideas re: who's who...Your help would be appreciated!