Monday, April 22, 2019

Collins School Photos

Here are the wonderful Collins class photos that Charlotte Doyle found for us. She provided more than a dozen names, but who else can you identify? 

Starting at the top left, Ken Matheson, unknown, Joy Miller, Mary Marsillo, Debra Holst, Kerry Zircle (?), Cynthia Marecle, unknown. Second row, Ray Jeffries, Julie Edmunds, Charlotte, Marty Baker, Patsy Van Der Wall, Diana Bunn. Third row: Rita Payne, Audra?, Donna Norris, unknown, Carmie Marsillo, Lyle Fisher, Karen Purdue. Bottom row: Mrs. Gentile, Dick Aveldson, unknown, Carol McMeel, unknown, Ken Runyon (?), Terry Johnson and a final unknown. 

From top left, we have David Bailey, unknown, Karen Purdue, Ken Matheson, Charlotte, Debra Holst, Kerry Zirkle, and then in the second row, Carmie Marsillo, Lyle Fisher, unknown, Rita Payne, Diana Bunn, unknown, and then Cynthia Norris. Third row, Jeanette Leach, unknown, Joy Miller, Ken Runyon and several unknowns. Bottom row: Mrs. Williams, Dick Aveldson, Mike?, Diana Worley, Ray Jeffries, Duane Ervin, Mary Marsillo, Billy Wallace and Shelly?.

And now for the sixth graders: in the back row, Mike? Tom Bondo, unknown, Cynthia Norris, Patsy Van Der Wall, unknown, Donna Norris, Lyle Fisher, Dan Stockwell. Middle row, Karen Purdue,  unknown, Vicki, Nancy Crow, Charlotte, David Jorgenson, Colleen Fahey, Carol McMeel, and then several unknowns, both in this row and in front. Chuck Hoffman is the boy seated on far left, Diana Bunn and Cynthia Marecle are the two girls seated, and left of Diana is Kerry Zirkle. The two boys sitting on the floor are Dick Aveldson and Ken Matheson. 

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