Thursday, May 19, 2022

Demolishing Parkland School? Protest now!

 Please see class FB page and Parkland School FB page for additional information from Jani Hitchen. 

For alumni of Parkland School and members of the Parkland community, past and present:

"June 21, 2022, 6 p.m. the meeting of the Landmarks and Historic Preservation Commission will be held in-person at the Pierce County Annex, 2401 S. 35th St. Tacoma, WA 98409. The meeting room is just inside the front door to the left. It is a Public Meeting and the public is invited to testify 3 minutes or in writing."
This article summarizes how landmark status was removed from this structure with no notice to the public. Sounds like a violation of the open meetings laws to me! And is there collusion between the transit authority and PLU?

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