Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Christensen and Parkland, Grades 4 and 5

Click on these photos to see the entire images. Above, thanks to Joanne Axt for this Christensen fourth grade photo. Back row, from left, Lou Ann Betts, Philip Oaks, Steven Deuel, Rodney Richardson, Danny Simpson, Dennis Rutt, Kirk Potter, Karene Taylor and Nancy Martin. In front, Jerry K,, Roger Ellis, Dicky Stroupe, Joanne, Holly Hartwell, Darlene Haines, Sheila Vert, Mike Jones and Toni Bixby. 

Below, thanks to JoAnn Andersen for a photocopy of Miss Blandau's fifth grade class at Parkland School. Your blogger has a few ideas re: who's who...Your help would be appreciated!
Top row, from left, is that Wendy Lunde? Tom Meade third from left? Harriet Willard next to JoAnn in the middle? Second row, third girl, Janice Berntsen? Mark Korsmo? Third from right, Debbie Smith? And then Kathy Murray second from right. Front row, Jim Hogberg, second from left? Is that Steve Bertucci next to Rick Giroux? Gregg Wilder is the other boy. 

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