Monday, February 18, 2019

Lutheran Confirmation Class Fall 1967

Many of us were among those confirmed at Trinity Lutheran Church in autumn 1967, when we were juniors in high school. A few members of the confirmation class were not Franklin Pierce students so will be especially challenging to name. But can you help identify those marked unknown? So many look so familiar but your blogger cannot put names to all the faces. (Click on the photo to see the entire image.) 

From left, in the back: Wayne Ross, Randy Wellan, Rob Wichern, Phil Johnston, Morry Milsten, Mark Korsmo, Doug Cail, John Nelson, Kevin Cady, Dan Swanson. Next row: Ruth Olsen, Mark Buchanan, unknown, Mike Fagerness, Paul Skones, Jeff Ragan, Tom Bondo, Steve Olson. Third row from back: unknown, and the next girl Lynn Shumway, Cathy Wiitala, Leanna Weaver, Chris Wellan, JoAnn Anderson, unknown, unknown, Harriet Willard, Lois Barnes, Pam Wiklund. Front row: Linda Carlson, Sandy Archer, Lynn Soine, Sue Tommervik, Marlene Potter, Sally Gilbertson, Sharon Severeid, Carol Scafturon, Diane Billet, Denise Drane from Eatonville, and unknown. In front, pastors Earling Thompson and Robert Drewes (later to be Becky Wise's father-in-law). (Where is Becky? Had she been confirmed prior to coming to Parkland?)

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