Sunday, February 17, 2019

Midland Kids!

Rose Russo and Connie Kazda provided several names for this photo, but we need your help in ID-ing everyone else! (Spelling corrections are welcome, too.) Fourth person from left in top row is JoEl McDaniel, and then there's JoLynn LaPlante (or is it Cindy someone), Marilyn Theno, and Jackie Alexander. Which of the two boys on right right is Mike Zitka and which is Alan someone? Middle row, second from left is Francis Gichard, and fourth from left is Doug Cail next to Linda Gates and Connie. Who is the next girl: Patty Quenell? On the right end of the row it's Gloria Metcalfe and Denise Fleming. In front, in the middle, Barbara Rodrick. Next to her is Chris Lorance, and then is that Linda Anderson? The boy is Mark Vetter, seated next to Judy Crawford with Rose at far right. 

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