Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Thank you, Mike Fagerness! Brookdale Photos!

Mike Fagerness took a trip to his attic, and along with Sally Gilbertson, has made HUGE contributions to our grade school class photo collection and the children's names. Thank you both! Here are among some of the newest photos they've sent. Come back often to see what else has been submitted! (And check your own attics for more photos. We still do not have a single photo from Collins.) 

Here are the names we have, starting at left in the back: Darrell Rogers, Debra Goshorn, John Begallia, Lynn Smith, Ruth Olsen, Bonita Conley, Dave Smith, Leonard Thomas, Karl Barttels, Becky Hardwood. Middle row: Barbara LeMay, Richard Burdick, Ken Halucha, Lance King, Marilyn Nagel, Truman Sylling, Doug Hewitt, Shirley Carmin, Melvin Short, Tommy Valentine. In front: Mike, Eddie Cox, Mike Birchfield, Vickie Kalahan, Kim Trimble, Sharon Olive, Leanna Weaver, Rita Friesz (sp?), Janice Luckie, Mickie Barnett. 

Here are the names we have. If you spot an error in a name or in a spelling, please let your blogger know! Starting at top left, Faleing Sibly, Sharon Olive, Lois Barnes, Jimmy Long. David Boshears, Wayne Hammerstrom, and Paul Ward. Next row: Karen Eley, George Ford, Karl Barttels, Grant Barnett, Mary Matix, Richard Burdick,  Mike Fagerness, Johnny Johnson, Chris Loyer. Next: Sherry Wilson, Barbara Calk, Peggy Mix, Rolayne Simpson, Judy Harris, Vickie Thompson, Wanda Rataeyk, Scott Buchanan. Last row: Royal Harris, Lynn Soine, Sandy Keeling, Eugene Willoughby, Robert Graves and Mischelle Waddell. 

Again, your help is appreciated! From top left, the fifth graders are: unknown, Sharon Furlong, Sharon Severeid, unknown, unknown, Chuck Courtwright (?), Jami Sales, Maureen Fletcher, Debbie Mowell. Next row, unknowns (4) and then Barbara Wold (?) and Steve Olson. Who else do you recognize? Front row, who is that cutie on the left? Then it's Sally Gilbertson, and after three unknowns, Marlene Potter, Norm Ando, Marcia McCormick and who? 

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