Sunday, February 10, 2019

Third Grade, Mrs. Sannerud, Parkland School (Thanks, Sally!)

OK, classmates, your blogger needs some help with ID's. Here are the names she either knows or is guessing at. Please e-mail what you know or can guess at! Top row, from left, is that Debbie Hyman? And who is the blonde girl next to Tom Meade? Then there's Sally Gilbertson next to Debbi (then Bowman) Selden and Marlene Potter next. And is that Steve Bertucci on the end? Middle row: Jim Hogberg in glasses and Paul Fritts next. Chuck Courtright on the end. Next row, Rob Wichern on the left and then, per Debbi, it's Liz Yarbrough and after the boy with glasses, it's a girl named Ann. Next to the last on the right, Wendy Lunde. Bottom: Marcia McCormick, Gregg Wilder, Jami Sales, and is that Karen Larsgaard? On the left, JoAnn Anderson and Janice Berntsen. 

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