Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Sept. 14, 2019: It's Our 50th!

Your hardworking reunion planners have selected a site for the 50th, and are we ever glad to have done it now. Turns out almost everyone is scheduling reunions for summer 2019, and we were fortunate to get Saturday night, Sept. 14, in Fife at the Emerald Queen's Pacific Highway location. Get it on your calendar, and most important, send your addresses, postal and e-mail, to either Linda Carlson or Connie Kazda. We're both on Classmates.com. We won't publish your addresses without your permission, but we need them to send you updates. Watch Classmates.com, this page and the class Facebook page, too...and tell your friends to get their contact info to us. (Please don't tell us it hasn't changed since last time: Linda has moved recently, and who knows where her old reunion files are!) 

We'd love to have an update on your life for this page and the reunion book, too. Especially if you can't attend (Are you kidding? It's the event of the decade.), tell us where you are and what you're doing. In fact, Cheryl Hansler has done just that...you'll have to read the reunion book eventually for her entire update, but here's some of the most important details:

"The youngest of my 11 graduated from Peninsula High School in 2016. Since our 40th reunion, three of my kids have gotten bachelor's  degrees, one from the UW-Seattle, one from the UW-Tacoma, one from Western.  My youngest two currently attend The Evergreen State College and love it.  My eighth child, a daughter, who graduated from the UW-Tacoma in 2016, passed her CPA exam this past year.  I now have seven grandchildren, four of whom are in their 20s...

"I still live on the Key Peninsula where I share my property with sheep, llamas, chickens and bees and raise huge vegetable and flower gardens each year.  I now work for a nonprofit legal services firm in Olympia three days a week.  My new firm serves the marginalized and disenfranchised.  

"This past June I vacationed in Norway.  It was the trip of a lifetime.  I am hoping to return and to visit Finland, in particular, and Switzerland the homes of my great grandparents."

Our second respondent: Marty Leise, who regrets he won't be with us because he's about as far away as you can be and still be in the U.S.---in Port Charlotte, Florida. Thanks for letting us know! (BTW, he's on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/marty.leise/friends)

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