Friday, April 19, 2019

Fabulous Central Avenue Class Photos from Dave Dahlin

What's better on a dreary rainy day (so much for the "rain shadow" on the Olympic Peninsula) than an e-mail box full of delightful grade school photos? Thanks to Dave Dahlin for some fabulous old photos...and now it's your turn, to ID those for whom Dave's late mother didn't provide a list of names. Some photos are too wide for the blog, so to see the entire image, click on the photo. 

Were you in Mrs. Miller's first grade class? Then you were a classmate of, starting in back from left, Dennis (surname?)), Dave, Judy Harte, Mary Scalph, Bill (Dave) Clowers, Mary (surname?) and Linda Coile. In the middle, Sally Jo Wiggins, Dennis Bauer, Sherry Coons, Ken Maiuri, Matt (surname?), Ronnie Lucas, Sharon Morris and John Rave. In front, Steven Halmstead, Dennis Koval, Dennis Iverson, David (surname?), John Yotty, Wendy Ward and Ray Parker. 

Second graders in Mrs. Wood's class included, top from left, Dennis Iverson, Matt, Fred Arbuckle, Mary, Christine, Sally Jo Wiggins, Marjorie. In the middle, Margaret Kenth, Ronnie, David Howard, Doug Cail, Tom Sundquist, Jeannie, Linda Coile. In front, Debbie Langenfeld, John Yotty, Ray Parker, Wendy Ward, Marcia Moland, Carla Hansen and Sherry Coons. 

Third graders of Mrs. Miller (same Mrs. Miller or a different one?), starting with the top row: Fred Arbuckle, John Yotty, Hank Krysiak, Dennis Koval, Terry Jacobson, Ray Parker, Gary Fagersedt and David Spears. In the second row, Ken Maiuri, Dave Dahlin, Dennis Forsberg, Susan Schuster, Melody Dean, Wendy Ward and Alisa Becklund. Third row, John Rave, Ronnie Lucas, Shelley Morris, Debbie Langenfeld, Linda Coile, Judy Harte and Sandra Almont. Fourth row: David Howard, Sharon Morris, Patty Fraidenburg, Mary Lee Scalph, Margaret Kenth, Marie Holmes, Steve McKanna, and Steven Anderson. 

Starting at the top, these fourth graders are Leota Nelson, Sharon Morris, Harry Bartley, Hank Krysiak, Carla Hansen, Roseanne Loe, Patty Fraidenburg, Jimmy Bartett and Ray Parker. Next row: Ross Ratcliffe, Steve Webster, Janet Armstrong, Christine Nelson, Dennis Bauer, Melody Dean, Dale Morey. Third row: Hal Lemmer (twice), Steve Anderson, Margaret Kemp/Kenth, Dennis Koval, Susan Schuster, Debbie Langenfeld, Bob Ashworth and Shelley Morris. Bottom row: Miss Strong, Mike Jankanish, Jim Fleming, Gary Fagerstedt, Dennis Forsberg, Dave Dahlin, Cindy Hupe, Ronnie Wolfe and Tom Sundquist. 

Fifth grade with Mr. Larson! Back row, Dave Dahlin, Harold Lemmer, Dale Morey, Kris Taft, Christine Nelson, Janet Armstrong, Linda Coile and Roseanne Loe. In front of them, Fred Arbuckle, Mike Dyson (?), Rodney Richardson, Mary Scalph, Adrienne Rayeski, Dennis Bauer, Ronnie Stratton (?), Ken Maiuri, and Pat Fautenberry (?). Front row, standing, Alice Craton, Melody Dean, Shelley Morris, Wendy Ward, Alisa Becklund, Linda Schmidt, John Yotty, Steve McKanna, Ray Parker and Charles Bartley. Kneeling in front: Bob Adler, Dennis Forsberg and David Spears.  

Here's another photo of Ms. Moffat's sixth graders, a better scan than we had previously. Thanks to Dave Dahlin, we have names! Front row, Tom Sundquist, Mike Dyson (?), Steve Slavens, Steven Webster, Fred Arbuckle, and Rodney Richardson. Behind them, Dennis Iverson, unknown (Francis?), John Yotty, Ray Parker, Steve McKanna, unknown, Wendy Ward, Eva Bowen, Linda Schmidt and (unknown.) Third row, (unknown), Jeanette Leach, Mary Scalph, Roseanne Loe, Pat Fautenberry, Shelley Morris, Alisa Becklund, (unknown), Charles Bartley and Ken Maiuri. Back row, Kris Taft, Janet Armstrong, Linda Coile, Bob Adler, Dennis Forsberg, Harold Lemmer, David Spears, Dave Dahlin, Adrienne Rayeski. 

Franklin Pierce Bantam champs, the Yankees, in 1964. Front, from left, Byron Moye, Steve McKanna, John Yotty, Steve Halmstead, Bob Matson, and Chuck Celmer. In back, Dan Helt, Doug Cail, Vince Weber, Dave Dahlin, Ross Ratcliffe, Gary Fagerstedt, Steve Slavins, Dennis Iverson and (unknown). 

Some of the same guys, a couple of years earlier, the Rookies as champions! Front, from left: Byron Moye, Don Torbet, Charles Bartley and (unknown). Second row: Dave Dahlin, Ross Ratcliffe, Gary Fagerstedt, Doug Cail and Dennis Iverson. Third row: Bob Matson, Tom Sundquist, Dennis Bauer and Steve Slavins. Fourth row: (unknown), head coach, (unknown), Greco (?) and assistant coach. 

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