Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Don Becker, David Bailey RSVP's

David Bailey says he and Robin will be with us for both reunion events in September, and here's his update: 

"I am still working, semi.  I just purchased another building and have been remodeling it for our new wood finishing plant.  It’s taken two years and seven months due to the special permits and so many subcontractors are very busy.  I will be overseeing the new venture and working three part time days a week.  Robin and I have been married 50 years this December, time sure flies by!"

Just a day after Dave's note arrived, we received a check and brief update from Don Becker, who you will recall provided door prizes at Karla Parker's for the 45th. Don's retired, has a part-time job, kids, grandkids, even a great-grandchild. More to come once the photo is scanned. 

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