Thursday, January 10, 2019

Don and Beth Torbet, Warren Foster, Denise Fleming, Glen Carter, Marsha McCormick

Shout-out to Don and Beth Torbet for sending in the first reservation for the Sept. 14 dinner dance! Thanks so very much. Now, Don, got grade school photos? Group shots or your individual head shots? Love to have scans of them. 

And another shout-out to Warren Foster, the second, and to Denise Fleming, the third to send in a reservation! Many thanks. 

And the rest of you, follow their example and get your checks in...also, spread the word! Let's see how many of our 400+ classmates we can get together for the 50th. 

Glen Carter says he is not coming, but sends this update (no photo yet):

"Since 1969...went into Army, got out and graduated with Master's Degree in Geology, spent until 2012 as a Geologist, now retired and living in Reno, Nevada. My wife is a Geologist as well, also retired. Have four kids, one grandchild, and have been married for 35 years now. I'm in good health, and enjoy riding my bike 4000+ miles a year, plus some mountain bike ultra-endurance races of up to 1,700 miles every other year or so..."hi" to all."

Finally, where is Marsha McCormick? If you have her current address, please send it...the address in Portland is apparently outdated. 

POSTSCRIPT: Important! Take off your sunglasses when you take a selfie for the reunion book and blog! 

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