Sunday, December 2, 2018

Cindy Stefani Tripp's Continued Health Issues

Linda Carlson has Cindy's e-mail address if you are not friended with her on Facebook and would like to send a message of support. Here's her most recent FB post regarding her continuing health problems:

I have tried to keep my health issues off of here knowing there is always something. I truly am sorry to bother you but I believe in the power of prayer 🙏 so much and again I am asking for it. I have had some lesions on my pancreas that they are watching. Apparently they had grown last time and now it has been two months and they are doing what is called an MRCP scan to see what is going on. If they have grown, there is no option but surgery. Yuk. Definitely not an easy one and kind of scary because my abdomen is full of adhesions and scar tissue. So if this surgery becomes necessary it would be 5-7 hours. I pray to God to please spare me of this. But if needs to be done, 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏. Anyway I have the imaging tomorrow at 8 am and then will need to see my oncologist for results. Thank you all so much. I love 💕 you all! I will let you know.

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